Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Advertising Mixture of Art and Science - 966 Words

Advertising: Advertising allows us to communicate a salient message to a large group of consumers faster than any other form of communication. It allows us to truly connect with the consumer; it gives us an opportunity to develop an ongoing relationship between the consumer and a brand. At its best, advertising will create a sense of urgency for the consumer, awareness often honest and accurate that there are products, places, styles or sensibilities that cry out for action or attention. Advertising is a compendium of all communications that consumer sees, feels, touches, hears, smells, and so on. If they are walking through a store, the packaging on particular product is advertising. If they are at home, the direct mail they receive in†¦show more content†¦So, discipline isn’t something that s nice if we have time for it; it s mandatory. We can t just wing it. In years past, advertising agencies have had the reputations of being free-thinking, free-wheeling, free-spending bastion s of creative largesse where folks think, do and create great things all day long. But anyone who has worked in the business knows that the creative part is the figurative tip of the iceberg: It only represents about 10% of what we do. The rest of the time is spent learning, researching, understanding, and massaging information so that we can actually deliver a message that makes sense and produces results. Conclusion: Advertising has been described as something that interrupts someone s attention long enough to be able to sell them something. Fundamentally, you are imposing yourself intruding upon someone s time and finding a way to connect with a passive mind in a very brief period to help inform or intrigue with something that has value to that person. That’s what advertising is. 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